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Latex 330 - Graininess?

HP Latex 330 Printer

#1 Roy_Kuzmich 9 years ago

Hi All, Media is Arlon DPF 4600LX Client is using the Profile he downloaded from the media locator for this media only print mode is 8pass_CMYKcm_100 The image attached is the result. Already suggested trying a different profile or cloning the Arlon profile and adding a 10 pass. Client says that the results are no better. I sent him a video that shows how to make adjustments for Graininess. (Do not know results yet) If you have any input on this, please share. Regards, Roy Kuzmich

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

A graininess problem could be caused by several factors. below I've provide you a list of possible solutions. Anyway, there are several solutions to graininess in the User Guide. I will recommend you to have a look to them (page 111). Make sure that the option “Vertical correction” it’s NOT enabled. From the front panel (Options > Image-quality maintenance > Vertical correction > Off). Printhead alignment. I will recommend you to make an automatic alignment with the self-adhesive vinyl loaded. Substrate advance calibration. (Page 110 of the User Guide). Increase the number of passes. If the grain only affects light area fills, you could try also to increase the amount of Optimizer.

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