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Latex 335 - horizontal banding

HP Latex 335 Printer

#1 myrecs5709 4 years ago

Good day. There are horizontal bands began to appear while printing grey and light cyan on our Latex 335 Printer (usage less than 1 year). Each printhead has not reached 4 liters yet since they were placed. All tests passed excellent, nozzles are working fine, no bad nozzles, color calibration shows everything is good (cant see any stripes). It can be noticed when printing long samples, like on photo. Sometimes lines are more expressive and noticable, sometimes less. In test print there was 50% fill of each color. 50% Black and 50% Cyan showed this issue out. Also there is noticable non uniform noise, at some places it is more moderate and at some - higher and larger.

#2 YaserK 4 years ago

Hey were you able to find a solution to your problem? I'm facing the same issue.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @myrecs5709,

Please try incrementing the numbers of passes, checking media advance, and checking the media is certificated for HP. I hope this helps.

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