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Latex 365 Grainy Print Quality

#1 kalakoadzigns9604 3 years ago

Aloha, I am using AI to assemble my artwork and then into Flexi, Newest version, to print and cut. I dont understand why some vectors print grainy where as others do not. Is the print heads bad? I have tried to keep in vectored and import it into Flexi as an AI file and I have also exported from AI as a Jpeg and then into flexi, both print with the same grainy look. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @kalakoadzigns9604 I recommend having a look at the troubleshooting from the UG on pages 121 and 185 for cases when having grainy prints. I am attaching also a couple of screenshots. Hope it helps!

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#3 kalakoadzigns9604 3 years ago

Thank you, We have gone through that, printhead alignments, cleaning printheads, forced drop analysis and color corrections. Unfortunately that color is still pixelated. What we did as a work around was to put white boxes behind the lettering which allowed the text to be clear. Not to sure why that certain color would do that though. Thank you for your response!

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