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Latex 365 - Printing on All Black Media Substrate?

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 JasonT_SG 6 years ago

Hello all, Might be a weird question, but has anyone had any luck printing to an all black media substrate? If so, does the image show at all? Not looking for a detailed image, moreso just the outline.

#2 HP-ALFONSO_SANCHEZ 6 years ago

#1 Hello, This is not common at all, but I have done it at least once. The effect can be quite... interesting. The subtile differences in hue and gloss between printed and unprinted areas can be used to generate smooth decorative patterns. I would not recommend it for pictures. I guess the result depends a lot on the base media color/darkness and gloss. Please share the results in the Forum if you try it!

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#3 JasonT_SG 6 years ago

#2 Thank you for the information Alfonso!

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