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Latex 560 Slow touch screen interface

HP Latex 500 Series

#1 soneal5463 5 years ago

Our touchscreen on the printer will not respond to touch for 30 seconds or sometimes more. I have removed unneeded profiles but it still responds very slowly. Anything I can do to help this?

#2 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#1 try to restart printer and see if responds. Clean often screen from fingerprints and dust. This problem on our printer occurs after sleeping mode...

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#3 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello, ivoslbg5446, Ensure that the printer is properly connected electrically and that no other sources of interference are affecting the printer. Ensure the front panel is clean. Upgrade to the latest Firmware. If the issue persists please contact HP support.

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#4 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#3 Hello HP-Sonia Everything is done except electrics. The office has upgraded with couple powerful machines (laminators mostly) and the grid isn't designed for this load (my personal opinion no matter what electrician says) and the block where office is situated is constantly upgraded with new buildings. That's why I think my previous post is irrelevant due to electric shocks (may be) and printer's electronics is afflicted. Thanks again and have a great day

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#5 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello. It might be.... But please keep posting any other question related to the HP Latex printer. We are here to help.

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#6 faridsk 3 years ago

I have a similar problem of slowness in the screen interface. But this is just not restricted to the touch. Even when the printer completes an action and has to change to a different screen by itself I takes a lot of time. SO this problem is definitely not related to screen not being clean.

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#7 ivoslbg5445 2 years ago

#6 I have found easy solution for me but I don't know if it's for all with similar problem. When printer wakes up screen is slow or bad responsive - I touch one point, another reacts - top line with light switch for example. Only after restarting it's working fine until next sleep. So after waking up I swipe with hand the whole screen, like to clean it with hand and no cloth or gloves and it's fixed. But needs to be cleaned often and I think it's bad command in firmware or else...

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#8 Mike14306 a year ago

Why doesnt HP fix this issue? Simply have the buffer folder delete after 30 days as a example and fix the bug with it going to sleep? We all paid a lot of money for these machines when they were new and have tons of little issues that could be resolved by software updates, especially as watch my carraige crash right into the media because of feeding issues or the media hits the top of the machine heater at entrance. I do have to admit that once running it's a super great printing machine to be honest, just wish HP would think of Guinee Pigs a little more. Also fix the waiste amounts of materials between prints. Thanks!

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#9 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @Mike14306, I recommend applying the following: Reboot the printer Make sure that the printer has the latest FW installed If the issue persists, it could be because of a faulty connection in the front panel that might need to be replaced. I recommend contacting your support representative for advanced troubleshooting.

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