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Latex 700 W Using ink while idle "Printer Routine"

#1 trystian.may10911 2 years ago

Good Afternoon All, We have a Latex 700 W printer that is using a ghastly amount of ink while idle, for example over a two week period where the machine was left in standby it used 190 ml of ink! Is this normal or are some of our settings wrong? TIA

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @trystian.may10911, I assume you are referring to the white ink. This is because the white printheads are installed in the printer while not being used. We recommend installing the dummy printheads and putting the white printheads on the wheel if they will not be used. This will make them last longer and avoid consumption during the white ink recirculation procedure.

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