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Latex 800W Error Code: 8897-D263-0000

#1 jkaufman11167 2 years ago

Getting an error while trying to color calibrate an adhesive vinyl, 8897-D263-0000. Happens almost immediately after hitting go. Strangely, we just had service to replace the color spectrophotometer and was able to successfully calibrate two other brands of adhesive vinyl. Any help on what this error code is pointing to would be very appreciated!

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @jkaufman11167, We had a previous case that was solved after a firmware update and performing the TUR calibration. I hope this helps.

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#3 kn80guidry 2 years ago

Any further information on this issue just updated to FW to PLS_40_22_52.1 and have attempted color calibration multiple time only to consistently receive the error message 8897-D263-0000.

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#4 kn80guidry 2 years ago

I performed the TUR cal and , happy to report the issue appears to be resolved. The CLC printed and scanned with no issue.

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#5 kn80guidry 2 years ago

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#6 Ben_JoyceDesign a year ago

Just re-bumping this post. We have a standard HP800 (non white) and now have this issue. I have tried a flash of the latest firmware and a TUR calibration (which has helped some people above) to which i have had no luck or resolution. It happens whatever the media profile is loaded. Just seeing if there was any further support on this or any additional information. Regards EDIT : After failing attempts of the above yesterday, allowing the printer to power down for 24 hours, and then re running a firmware flash and a TUR calibration has since solved this issue. Would be nice to have a patch though to stop this occurring in the future.

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#7 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @Ben_JoyceDesign, From HP we are working on a firmware update to help solve this issue in the future.

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