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Losing Magenta Head(s) on HP L260

HP Latex 260 Printer

#1 signsnowhanover 7 years ago

We keep having issues with the magenta head(s) not printing correctly on our HP L260. Last week we noticed reds were not printing as dark as they should. We replaced both LM/M heads with units we had in stock that had been sitting around for a bit as I like to have them in stock but we really don't go through heads real fast. That fixed our problem and we were back up and running. On Monday we had the same problem again. On test plots the Magenta looked as light as the Light Magenta on both heads so we replaced both heads with new piece from Grimco. Again the problem was fixed till today. I printed maybe 50 feet of vinyl before the same issue returned. You can see in the attached picture what was red quickly turned to orange. I printed a test plot and again both Magenta's look light. These heads only have 17ml through them. Any suggestions on what could be wrong?

#2 Bscott1980 7 years ago

I was wondering if you ever found out what was going on with your magenta / light magenta both printing the same color on the nozzle check? I have a printer that's doing the same thing.

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#3 signsnowhanover 7 years ago

Yep, I tried turning on the gutter on in Onyx but that didn't solve my issue so I called HP. Turns out there are a batch of bad Magenta cartridges out there that are filled with Light Magenta ink. As soon as I told the tech on the phone he knew what the issue was. When you put new print heads in it prints ok for a little bit because there is ink that comes in the heads. Once that runs out you are getting Light Magenta ink out of the "Magenta" cartridge. These bad ink cartridges generally have an expiration date on the side of Feb or March 2019 though apparently not all cartridges in that range are bad.HP is sending new print heads to replace the ones we went through at no cost. They are also sending 2 new ink cartridges at no cost but because of this issue they are backordered through HP so I've also ordered through Grimco so we can get back up and running as soon as possible. HP is also sending a file that will print pure magenta because we need to clear the Magenta ink lines of Light Magenta ink. After putting in a new Magenta ink catridge and running the file provided by HP my issue cleared up. We had a total of 4 magenta/light magenta that we ran the "wrong" ink through. We used the set we had in the machine first till they and the ink lines were flushed and printing correctly. Once that was done we pulled them, put the caps back on and put them away for future use. We then put the other 2 heads in that we had the same issue with. We printed the file supplied by HP to flush them as well. All that to say the only thing we really wasted was some time, media and the one bad ink catridge. HP has sent us 4 new heads and 2 new inks so we can't complain to much. The machine has been printing like normal since.

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#4 Bscott1980 7 years ago

I really appreciate the quick and detailed response. I checked the ink dates and they have July 2018 expiration dates. I'm wondering if they had issues with this earlier on as well.

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