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Magenta Ink Cartridge Stained Yellow

#1 WrapThatCar 2 years ago

I have an HP Latex 310, and for the past several times that I changed the Magenta ink, I noticed that there is a greasy yellow substance on the outside of the cartridge (Images attached). It only seems to happen with the Magenta. I'm not sure if it Yellow ink, Optimizer, or something else. Other than that, the printer seems fine, and it doesn't seem like I have a leak. Has anyone else ever experienced this? And should I be concerned?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @WrapThatCar, Looking at the picture, It does not seem to be yellow ink or optimizer, maybe some grease from the gears of the service station. We have never seen this before but does not seem to be concerning if the machine is up and running properly. I hope it helps.

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