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Minimum Image Resolution for 300 dpi print at actual size

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 dave6802 5 years ago

My client is sending me Photoshop images files that are 300 dpi at actual size - 4ft x 10ft. The file sizes are enormous...several gigs each. When we go to RIP the files your might as well take lunch and several breaks before the image is ready to print. Is it nessasary to have such large image files to produce a quality print? What size/resolution should I request from my clients? Thanks!

#2 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#1 Higher resolution - better results, but 150-200 dpi is sufficient to do the job if you are using 600 or even 300 dpi printer resolution must use lower pictures resolution to RIP faster the images... Mostly computer must be top notch - like Intel Core I5 or i7 or better Mac (must read the PC specs) ... RIP software matters also..Using Caldera (Linux) is different than Onyx and flexy rip (Windows)... Also flatened Tiff and jpg is different than multilayer pdf files (much objects to rasterize...).

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#3 dave6802 5 years ago

Thanks for your input ivoslbg5445... it was helpful.

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#4 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#3 said dave6802 I'm glad I could help

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#5 Richinar 5 years ago

In general, an inkjet-technology printer will need dpi half the desired dpi for images but with text you should go much higher, like twice the desired dpi. However, dpi requirements depend on the image as well. A light color, or gradual gradient could have a dpi of 36 and show no discernible pixilation while thin text in high contrast to the background would need higher contrast for sharpness and (at smaller sizes especially) legibility. Viewing distance is also of some importance. A billboard could have resolution of 18 dpi and nobody would be able to tell because you're 100 feet away at least.

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