Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
Hi, just got delivery on a new HP560 and hitted some issues directly when printing backlit textile. Substrate used is PONGS Printex Mambo Printmode is 16p 200 % Curting temps that was used 116 degress C and 110 degrees C. with 400ms interpass delay. Issue the same at both curing temps. Enviromental conditions: Temp in area 22 degrees C, and humidity 25 %. Ventilation through AC. Printer is not having direct sunligth on it. And air is circulated in the room. Problem: After approx 2m printing with high ink coverage sticky oil condensate starts tp penetrate substrate from its backside and towards up against the frontside. After done some checks the condensate is generated between the platen in curing unit and the backside of the textile. If one remove the substrate from printer the half wdith next to the frontpanel side is covered with this sticky condensate. The condensate migrates with the textile in thoose areas where the platen touches the substrate. Have used the platen cover protectors but same issue. The sticky oil condensate penetrates this protectors as well and later on hits the substrate.. I have also checked if the suction from the condensator unit work, and it works. Even if I think that the suction inlet might be quite small....as far I can see it only is suction in the front of the curing unit close by the door to the curingunit in the front. I enclose photo showing the backside of media. Picture HP650_1 is showing the backside of substrate Picture HP650_2 is showing how it looked on the printer when printer had done curing finished and gone back to start position. The is happening inside the curing unit. A lot of waste is produced rigth now : ( What is the opinion of HP about this and what will the fix be ? BR Krimat