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Periodic marks along edge of print.

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 csmangos 6 years ago

Looking for assistance if possible! When printing block colours, white streaks appear every 200mm on the right hand side of the print. The same issue occurred on different substrates. Can anyone identify what causes this issue? All internal cleaning and alignment tasks were executed along with manually cleaning the print carriage. Thanks!

#2 csmangos 6 years ago

#2 Thanks for the relpy. All the printheads are in good condition. I also swapped out the optimizer head just in case. The maintenance kit is was replaced recently and is also up to date. The issue occurs over all media/substrates tested. This also occurs predominantly in the colour teal or similar mid-tones. Cleaning the media does not seem to rectify the issue either. We thought it may be a contaminant on the media feed and have cleaned all the rails and wheels with the same results. Could it possibly be a carriage fault?

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#3 ivoslbg5445 6 years ago

#3 Hi, we have same problem with this color in long prints. Many things can cause this - printhead LM/LC (mostly) and sometimes C/K are with low ink pressure after mid-cleaning in long prints. Try using both-side Color bars if possible or use force refill (ink pressure in printheads must be normal). When printer hasn't been restarted for sometime is slow responsive. We observed that LC/LM printhead after 1l of usage is printing more grainy than in the beginning and problems in mid-tones comes from there... After all it's 1 lm/lc printhead for all next version - with 2 of these

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