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Print Head. HP Latex 3000

HP Latex 3000 Series

#1 Dovran 8 years ago

Hi All. What can happen with printheads when the printer is not turned on for a long time? Thank you.

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Dovran, If you leave your printheads without using them for long time in the printer, it may cause the pigments in the ink to precipitate and generate a "nozzels out" situation. In order to avoid this situation i would recommend you to do the following before printing again: 1- Extract and shake the printheads. 2- Execute the "check and clean" 3- Finally print the "Verify printhead status" plot. If any printhead was not recovered at all, you should execute the hard cleaning program for the color affected. You sill be able to find all these programs in IPS > Printer > Printhead cleaning. Here you have an screenshot of the menu: Hope this helps.

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#3 Dovran 8 years ago

Dear Sir. Coud you please see attached pictures. This is a diagnostic of "Drop detect". The hard cleaning was done a lot of times. The maschine was standing without printing 1.5 - 2 mounth. According this diagnostic i need to change 6 print heads? Am I right?

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#4 HP-Sonia 8 years ago

Hello Dovran According to the images the color pens seem to be affected. If they do not recover after doing the hard cleaning and the "verify printhead status" plot. You should change PrintHeads affected. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.

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