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Print head noise like hitting and stop the print process after 4 to 6 m2 print..

HP Latex 210 Printer

#1 a.pateqi7080 5 years ago

Hi sorry for disturbing Sonia , asmall question. I have an old L25500 OF 2011 8) and i like to use it because its strong still... But having some issue since it prints aprox 4 to 6 M2 and it start making some noise like hitting... When the print head box goes to the part of the ink side... After some hit the noise is more strong and often.. Until it stops and i have to start again from begining the process cus i have to restart the printer.... Can you please sned some advice thank you for your time Br Algert

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 5 years ago

Hi @a.pateqi7080, This seems to be a hardware issue and a technician would need to check it. Please ask your HP representative for support or contact support through the website:

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