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Print Length Inconsistent

HP Latex 560 Printer

#1 scarlson6492 5 years ago

We have been having an issue with our print lengths being different than the actual file size. I have been in touch with HP Service Techs and have a tech here now. The issue is that the prints have been either longer or shorter in length (width has stayed the same) than the actual file size. After trying a bunch of things with HP & Onyx (tried scale adjust but it did not help), they had the tech replace the OMAS electrical board and the rewinder motor. We got the print size to be closer but it's still slightly off and now the color is off as well (*error 58.10 Color Sensor not working well" appeared today after running test prints). We're waiting for a level 3 HP service tech to call us back but we were wondering if anyone had any other recommendations in the meantime?

#2 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello scarlson6492! If you have a tech onsite and you are waiting for L3 service technician, you should wait for him or her to provide you with the right instructions. In the meantime, you need to ensure you are using HP certified media and profiles from the HP Media Solution Locator in the good environmental specifications. Please keep us informed about the resolution of the issue.

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