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Printhead Test Plot

HP Latex 200 Series

#1 JDBdesigns 6 years ago

I am particularly interested in understanding the Printhead test plot. In essence the sestym/Layout it uses to position the Printheads itself from the printer. How does one tell which is which, besides the colours that is From left to right, I cant tell which is number one to number 6, mind you thats on the Latex 260.

#2 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

#1 This Alignment is an automatic and internal process which prints,reads and align based on the current status of the printhead. All rainbows in the plot are printed to warm up all printheads. Latex 260 has Cyan/LCyan x 2, Y/K x 2 and Lm/M x 2 (1,2,3,4,5,6 from left to right) First colour in the plot (from left to right) has been printed by the Y printhead (half part above corresponds to 3, half part below to 4) Second colour has been printed by M (half part above is 5, below 6) Third colour by Lm (half part above is 5, below 6) Fourth colour by Cyan (half part above is 1, below 2) Fifth colour by K (half part above is 3, below 4) Sixth colour by LCyan (half part above is 1, below 2) This way you can check how many nuzzles out are on each printhead. I hope this helps

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