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Print/Profile build troubleshooting

#1 printing7206 4 years ago

We recently acquired an HP Latex 335. We have been trying to get profiles build for it to print in the GRACoL gamut. We have 2 370's that are working ok. However we are struggling to get this 335 up to speed. Looking for some suggestions and advice. When i do the image quality printout from the printer we are getting some odd anomalies (Please see attached photos) In two of the photos you can see a line going across in all the alignment images. In the 3rd photo you can see 2 printouts one on the right is from our good working 370 and the left is from the 335. notice the blue tint and also the cyan head seems to be acting up. these are all new heads with less then 1000ml of ink through them. any advice as to whats going on or how to remedy would be greatly appreciated. Charles

#2 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

Second printhead C/k (in line with lc/lm)- you have to clean PH contacts and carriage contacts too. Make cleaning printhead procedure and check in browser before and after for not working nozzles...measure printhead - must be around 60grams (as brand new), if less than 50grams, printhead needs observation for further clogged nozzles and replacement. This line in alignment is not so frustrating, but when printing if there is one, go to cleaning carriage and printhead (all PH's) procedure the print test plot you can see if there are more of not working nozzles...

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#3 printing7206 4 years ago

Can you give me a little explanation as to what you mean by "measure printhead - must be around 60grams (as brand new), if less than 50grams" what is this and how do i do so?

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#4 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

Take a precision measuring scale (like ones for measuring gold) to weigh the printheads. One printhead weights around 60 grams (metric units). If a printhead is light, there is not much ink there - it's not filling correctly with ink and not working fine...

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#5 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @printing7206, For the cleaning part of the Printheads, this needs to be done before their insertion with distilled water. Here you can find the instructions:

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