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Profiling HP3000 via Caldera Easy Media

HP Latex 3000 Series

#1 MegaPrint 9 years ago

Hi, we got trouble profiling a Hp 3000 Latex printer via EasyMedia from Caldera. Its a 6c printer with lm + lc. First we are setting up a media in EasyMedia and following the steps. We choose 14p 6c 150% printmode. For other machines like Durst printers etc. first i need to do the light/dark ink transitions. this is done by printing and measuring a target. In the EasyMedia process it does not give us this step. its straight away showing the linearisation curve step. As far as we got it the light/dark ink transitions is done on machine. is this correct? If correct, does it mean we cannot control the transitions via Easy media? How should we work to get a good even profile ? Greetings from Norway. Mikke

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi MegaPrint I have checked your questions with one of our rip experts, and I have the following answers: On one hand, regarding to the light/dark ink transitions, yes the machine does it by itself automatically. On the other hand, the printer has internal mechanisms to ensure that the color curve is made correctly. Succeeding all the profile steps (guided process) the result should be satisfactory. I hope this answer helps

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#3 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi Mikke, Did you finally get the profile you were looking for?

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#4 MegaPrint 9 years ago

hi! thanks for the replies and sorry that it took a bit to answer. knowing that the latex 3000 is doing ink trasitions on machine is helping. so we can then just skip the step and carry on to linerisation curves. these linerisation curves has to be created by caldera easy media or are these also created on machine? based on these curves we continue creating an icc profile via easy media. done with these steps the testprints have unbalanced greys and colorshifting in light tones like skies and skintones. profiling uv based print systems for example has never been a problem and we were always satisfied. greetings mikke

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#5 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi MegaPrint! Your are correct, the latex 3000 (and also de latex 3x0) are capable to internally linerize automatically, so you can skip the linearization step in the Easy Media and jump into the new ICC creation. The way how the printer controls the linealization is a process called “CLC” close loop color calibration. It is mandatory to run it every time you create a new profile (as you would do it in the rip) to set up the color reference for that specific material that you are profiling. You will find it in the IPS substrate menu —> color calibration. Once the printer has the color reference, every time to run again the CLC the printer will relinearize to put the density back to the reference. The printer is capable to compensate density differences up to 15%. My recommendation is that you run the CLC before creating the ICC. Have you run the color calibration in the printer? Once it is done + icc profiling run from the rip, colors should be fine. If after running the CLC and ICC colors are not accurate enough, you can apply the linearization from the rip on top, the patches are bigger and you can achieve a different gammut. Please notice that latex 3x00 are contone printers so, even though you run the linearization on the rip, it is applied to the CMYK channels only because the printer does the rest of the process, that is why the internal CLC is mandatory to be able to keep proper color consistency, I hope this helps.

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