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Raising head height on L360

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 twmiller24 9 years ago

We're trying to print Alumigraphics Grip on the HP Latex 360. There's not a profile for it, but the company recommends the highest possible head height. Is there a way to set that within the media settings, or does the printer determine head height automatically?

#2 ProColorGraphix 9 years ago

I think it is determined automatically. I've used the walk and wall film, which is very similar, and it worked just fine.

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#3 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

The printhead height is automatic, so is not possible to be changed. Printhead crashes is a problem that can be solved changing two parameters of the printer: Vacuum and temperature. Increasing the vacuum could solve the problem of the printhead crashes, but you have to keep in mind, that an excess of vacuum could cause some banding. In some thick materials, a high temperature could cause deformation that could explain the head crashes. If you could send me the name of the specific material, I could try to do some more in depth research.

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#4 twmiller24 9 years ago

Here's the specific material:\_Grip\_SpecSheets.pdf It's AlumiGraphics Grip. So, when you say it's automatic, does that mean the profile has it set and won't change, or that the printer checks every substrate for thickness and resets the height accordingly?

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#5 TonyC 9 years ago

The head height is fixed. It cannot be changed.

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