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Re: 60IN L25500 Firmware Update Problems

HP Latex 260 Printer

#1 PaulMcCasland 8 years ago

Had to replace hard drive in L25500. It was loaded with Ver4.0.0.4 which was released sometimes in 2009. I downloaded the latest firmware Ver GG-CAL_07_00_01-4_mvl40-x86-opt_B.signed.fmw from HP. Upgrade process fails after a while with an "invalid file" error. Should this be upgraded incrementally? Where would the previous versions be located?? Much Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!!! Paul

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi PaulMcCasland, As you said maybe the solution to your issue will be to upgrade the firmware gradually. The problem is that I don't know if you will be able to find all the intermediate (2009 to today) firmware versions by your self. I recommend you to contact your support source and if necessary they will proportionate them to you. Hope this helps. keep me updated. Happy Thanksgiving too!

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#3 GTheile914 8 years ago

Any resolution here? Started the day with a color sensor issue and first step is a firmware upgrade from GG-CAL_5.0.0.8 GG-CAL_07_00_01-4_mvl40-x86-opt_B.signed.fmw downloaded successfully but unable to complete upgrade from web portal after numerous attempts. Any updates or resolutions would be appreciated! Gregory

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#4 GTheile914 8 years ago

Thank you for the response Sonia! Unfortunately I am running into the same error with this update

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#5 current 7 years ago

I believe we need version 6 in order to update to 7. I have this issue with the current file not loading over version 5. Please can hp make that firmware file 6 available?

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#6 current 7 years ago

Thanks. Opened a case a couple of days ago. Just awaiting response. I have noticed a few threads with this issue, but never a solution. Hope to change that soon.

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#7 current 7 years ago

tech support had me 'force firmware update'. BIG MISTAKE. Machine still doesn't recognize the firmware file and now the machine is a giant brick and won't do anything. tech is trying to tell me it needs a new hard drive. i call BS. it was working before i did the aforementioned task which was recommended by hp. so frustrated right now...hp.

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#8 current 7 years ago

I was able to do a factory reset to get the machine running again. As for the firmware, you need to first install the earlier version 7_00_00.4 and then the newest 7_00_01.5 will load. It's not available on the hp site currently though.

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