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HP Latex 310 Printer

#1 lerouxjul2 9 years ago

Hello, We have a problem with our Latex 310, you can see attached picture, you will understand... In fact, printing becomes completely blurred and poorly superimposed between the different passes on a few inches and then it returns to normal and so on ... In parallel to this print defaut, it also usually displays colors lines as you can see on picture linked number 20151015_124102 , which makes me thinking that this is probably related? Have you ever seen this problem ?

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi leruxjul, I've been looking your pictures and i'll need some additional information in order to understand better what's going on. Would you please answer to the following questions: 1- From the pictures you've uploaded which is the output direction? 2- Which media are you using? Are you using your own profile? 3- Which print-mode are you using? 4- is this happening to all your plots? 5- is this happening always in the same spot? 6- Which firmware does your printer have? I'll be looking for your reply.

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#3 lerouxjul2 9 years ago

HI, thanks for your answer, Additional information : 1- You can see the output direction in the linked files (Magenta) 2- The Media I often use is Self Adhesive Vinyl solded by the official french HP latex reseller (Pomprint) and the profile they give to me. 3- I use normal 10pass print mode. 4- Yes, but after lot's of hours of printing, never when I start printing. I have to print more than 2 or 3 hours to have this issue. 5- Always happenig after lot's of hours of printing 6- I use the last firmware.

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#4 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi Lerouxjul, The information you provided to me, makes me think that you could be experiencing different distances between the printhead and the substrate during the passes. I'll recommend you to contact your support source in order to check your printer, since this can be causes by different motives. I will like to ask you too, to come back with the solution once you have it.

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#5 lerouxjul2 9 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your answer, Don't you think that source of the problem could be just a durty encoder strip ?

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#6 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Because of the output direction you indicated in the images I do not think that this has to do with the encoder strip. But anyway, just to be sure, you can clean it, and if the issue continues then you should contact support.

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#7 lerouxjul2 9 years ago

Yes, because of the output direction, it could be a shift of the carriage during printing operation that occurs this print defaut. Don't you think that a shift of the carriage during printing operation could be occured by a durty encoder strip ?

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#8 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Sure you're right a dirty encoder strip could cause a carriage shift. You can clean up the encoder strip and run a test and check if it worked. If the image quality issues keep appearing, I'll recommend you to contact your support source. Let me know if the issues were causes by the encoder strip.

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#9 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi lerouxjul, Did your support source provide you a solution? Which was it?

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#10 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

Hi Marc... Sorry, I didn't see you query. Support give me non solution but I have cleaned the encoder strip with a lint-free cloth and isopropyl alcohol and the problems seems to be solved. It is unnecessary to clean the metallic part of the encoder strip?

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#11 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi lerouxjul, Here this video may help you to check the proper edge cleaning procedure: How to Clean the Encoder Strip on the HP Latex 300 Series hope this helps.

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#12 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

hi Marc, This vdeo don't answer my question : It is unnecessary to clean the metallic part of the encoder strip?

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#13 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Lerouxjul, Is not necessary to clean the metallic part, although if you do it it should not affect negatively the printer.

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#14 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

Ok, that's good. Thank you so much. For years and for all my printers, I always used to clean encoders strip with isopropyl alcohol. In the video they are just speeking about simple water... Does the fact to use isopropyl alcohol to clean the encoder strip could affect negatively the printer ?

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#15 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi lerouxjul, Hope you are doing good. As the latex ink is water based It should simply come off with water. The encoder strip is plastic and should stand up well against IPA. Still it is recommended to follow the method in the video as constant maintenance should avoid buildup of material on the encoder and IPA should not be needed. I hope this helps.

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#16 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

Thank you so much for all these answers !! Sometimes, buildup of material on the encoder are difficult to come off only with water. In some cases, IPA should be needed to perfect clean encoder. But I understand that in most of cases, water is the best solution. Thanks for all !!

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