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Substrate jam -> head crash

HP Latex 300 Series

#21 Flyscot76 4 years ago

I'm still having this issue and never seems to be getting resolved on my L365. Banner Material - Head Strike, Heavyweight Coated HP Paper - Scuffing of head on paper as it arches and get scrapes across media from arching up to the heater module. After spending so much on a printer I would expect better answers? I blamed my supplier for not giving profiles, but even with generic or profiles supposed to be for the media we are using we still have issues. Lots of time and material wasted. Hope for an actual helpful answer.

#22 signprintingonline 4 years ago

Funny reading all this as I just bought a new Latex 335 and I had a first head crash in the first day of using it. I am new to this so I thought it was me but all this makes me feel better. I planned to load the material past the heaters for now and hope this works. Wanted to post so you all know this is brand new and similar issue with 2 days of using it.

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#23 info7953 4 years ago

We are not happy with our HP Latex 360. Several material jams especially for Vinyl, but also textiles. As a result we have high costs of spending extra materials and printheads. And this is not the only problem. HP launched the machine with big promises however the material (wallpaper, HP certified) has problems with stretching and it can be over 1 cm (!) So when we print the wallpaper we have to check everything manually for errors. HP doesn't provide their costumers with updates new 'how to fix' or whatever. Now we reached the point we have to buy another machine. HP570 seems to have the same issues. Why should we even consider to buy a new HP Latex?

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