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Substrate Jams on Startup - HP Latex 260

HP Latex 260 Printer

#1 jwurks 5 years ago

I have a HP latex 260 and I'm printing on HP adhesive gloss vinyl. On startup, when the substrate advances and the carrier moves side to side, it always catches on the (right) edge of the substrate and causes a jam. This results in me having to manually clear the jam, cut the substrate, and feed the substrate into the heating portion every time on startup. This solves the problem, but I'm wasting a lot of time and material. Any thoughts?

#2 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello @jwurks There is more than one factor in this type of issue: Please make sure you are using Hedge Holders. Increase the value of the vacuum. Media Roll: make sure that the roll has adapted to the room's temperature. How to increase the vacuum 's values? GO TO: Image Quality Maintenance -> Adjust printing params -> Adjust Vacuum I hope this information helps

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#3 jwurks 5 years ago

Hello Sonia, I started using the edge holder on the right side, and my problem is fixed. However, it seems that my prints are now shifted about half an inch to the left. Is there a way to fix this?

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