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Traffic color problems and color calibration issue

#1 tehno.trafic20393 a year ago

We bought last year Hp 700 latex printer and we have some problems with him, wen we try to print traffic colors. First. On the printer displaying the "color calibration failed" when i try to calibrate the printer with 3M 3930 reflective film. When we load the substrate and chose HIP 3930 Series Traffic Colors v3 on the display appear: Color calibration obsolete. I try to calibrate several times, the printer print the calibration image, after that start to scan the pattern but after 50% stop scaning and show the message|: Color calibration failed. I veryfied the printer settings, I have the latest firmware (PLS_50_23_39.1), I try to restart, clean the printer without result. Another problem is with this traffic colors. We bought Production Manager Authorized 3M Traffic Edition 21 and FlexiPrint from SAi. In the Production Manager Authorized 3M Traffic Edition 21 we try to print traffic colors for test but no one. We found only CMYK test. We try to contact SAi but they send us to the reseller. Please advise what can I do. We want to print traffic colors for traffic signs.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @tehno.trafic20393, To perform the Color Calibration in Reflective 3M media follow the steps below: Once the substrate preset is installed, the color calibration must be performed for this media preset. It cannot be done physically on the reflective sheeting; it needs to be performed on a white self-adhesive vinyl instead. In this case, 3M IJ180mC-10 is recommended. IMPORTANT: Select the reflective sheeting you intend to use for your traffic sign Jobs. Advance the substrate and attach it to the TUR. Cut it in a “V” shape, as shown in the image below, and attach the substrate from the center. Then, activate the TUR by completing a full rotation of it. Check print image-quality status. In the Optimize quality menu, perform the printhead nozzle check and printhead alignment. Launch color calibration. In the Optimize quality menu, press Color calibration and select Start. Color calibration > Calibration target is printed > The patches are automatically measured. See the attached document where the workflow is explained in detail with screenshots. I hope this solves the issue.

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#3 tehno.trafic20393 a year ago

Thank you for response. But the two different material (3M 3690 and have 2 different white point, wich means they reflect light diferently. This will cause to color appear different on the materials., even if they are printed using the same color profile.

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#4 tehno.trafic20393 a year ago

Hello. I try collor calibration, following you steps. When the calibration secvence reach 70% I receive error message. See atachements. What can i do?

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