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ALtex 360 - Ink buildup on printheads

#1 izak.podgornik10435 2 years ago

I have a Latex 360 issue that keeps on repeating for a while now. Latex ink keeps on building on printheads. Usually it builds on top and bottom of printheads, but it also gets on the sides of the printhead. This is a very thick and hard residue, that can be sracthed away only using stronger mechanical pressure (i.e. fingernails). This buildup happens in the matter of hours from the beginning of printing, sometimes only after 5-10 metres. The buildup completely covers the nozzles, so a part of the printhead covered can't print any ink. This creates terrible color issues, banding and color mismatch. This issue affects all printheads, except so far the optimizer printhead. Thi one seems to have no issues. I've changed printheads multiple times, had the carriage cleaned recently, changed the ink, cleaned the ink systems etc. No help. The only thing I can do is to take out the printheads, clean them manually and reinstall them. This only works until the printhead gets clogged again, which is after another 5-10 metres of printing. It's a terrbile issue that makes the printer completely unusable for anything except the most simple of jobs, and even ther I dread using it. PS: the local HP reepresentatives and service guys seem completely out of ideas. Except the ususal "replace the printheads" (which I did numerous times) there is nothing they can do. I'll attach some pictures of the ink residue. Anybody had a similar issue, please help.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @izak.podgornik10435, It seems that the MC is not doing its function, there is a mixture of colors in the PH. It is difficult to give a good assessment without more information, our main recommendation would be to contact your support representative so they can perform some tests and have a better understanding of the issue.

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#3 izak.podgornik10435 2 years ago

#2 Dear Daniela, thank you for your answer. Can you please just let me know what does MC stand for? PH, i get it, is Printhead. Thank you. BR, Izak

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @izak.podgornik10435, Apologies, it is the maintenance cartridge, its main purpose is to clean and seal the printheads. It might be that in your case it does not work properly, hence why the ink is drying on the printheads.

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#5 izak.podgornik10435 2 years ago

Maintenance cartridge was just changed and the issue keeps repeating. It's true however, that when I took out the old MC it had a LOT! of residue (so much, that it actually cracked from those rollers like mud). Do you think that changing cartridge should resolve the issue (in which case it didn't) or that it could be a problem somewhere else that influences the MC behaviour? Thank you.

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#6 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @izak.podgornik10435, If the maintenance cartridge was changed, I suggest contacting your support representative best to check what else could be.

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#7 izak.podgornik10435 2 years ago

Thank you. I already did, they seem to be at a loss too.

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