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HP Latex 110 Failed to read media table from printer (error 79:04)

#1 zastrozhnov11447 a year ago

Hi! After updating the latest firmware (NEXUS_02_12_00.7) on the latest version of NEXUS_02_13_00.4 and NEXUS_02_14_00.1 , it drops out in error 79:04. We need to roll back to the old version 12. The old version 12 is not on the HP website. Tell me the link from where I can download it. Thanks! Recovery + reset was done, it does not help. We also contacted Flexy technical support, they said we need to roll back to the old version of NEXUS_02_12_00.7. Thank you!

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @zastrozhnov11447,

The error code 79:04 is a Generic Framework error. To solve this error follow the below steps:

  1. Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect both power cords. Reconnect the power cords and turn on the printer.

  2. Check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version.

  3. Try to reprint the image using different selections in the Rip.

If it doesn't solve the issue, Hard disk recovery must be performed.

If the issue persists, contact your support representative.

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#3 zastrozhnov11447 a year ago

#1 said


Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect both power cords. Reconnect the power cords and turn on the printer. Yes, we did it. I am a service engineer and I have experience in repairing HP printers.

Check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version. Updated several times.

Try to reprint the image using different selections in the Rip. The problem is that the RIP is not ready, because it cannot load the table of materials from the printer.

If it doesn't solve the issue, Hard disk recovery must be performed. There are two types of recovery in the manual 1. In the diagnostic menu and in the service menu. Both options were done, it didn't help. Can you help me find the old firmware version? NEXUS_02_12_00.7.

Thank you for your responsiveness Daniela Ciolompea

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