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Latex 360 Obsolete?

#1 steven.mcfadden9615 a year ago

I was told on Friday that as of the 30th April 2023 the HP partner company that supplies us with ink, parts servicing etc now view the Latex 360 as obsolete and will not be able to supply parts and engineers to service or repair theses printers. Is this the view of HP also?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @steven.mcfadden9615, There is no plan to retire the ink and services you mentioned, it might be the partner's decision to stop supporting them. I suggest looking for an alternative partner instead.

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#3 steven.mcfadden9615 a year ago

Thank you Daniela, i appreciate your answer, time to find a new partner!

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#4 paul.NLC.TECH a year ago

Send me a message ! Would love to help

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