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Print heads clean every job

Hi people! Using Latex 335 in later 5 years, I can see that some times, before start a new job, it takes a print head clean, but now, every job I star, even if the last one were only 1m2 or less, it takes a print heads clean....

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @Comercial.canalalpha13640, The printer will always clean the PHs before printing a job. You could try printing jobs together (from the RIP configuration) and the cleaning will be one time. For example, if you print 5 jobs together, it will clean only once due to the configuration you selected. If you print 5 jobs individually, the printer will perform the cleaning for every job printed. In addition, if the printer detects a lot of missing nozzles at the time of cleaning, it could take longer as it will be performing a hard clean to try to recover the nozzles out.

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#1 Apologies for the delay in responding. I even called a technician to do a review and take some more time to answer... Well...I'm referring to cleanings lasting almost 4 or 5 minutes with insertion of the primer 2 times in each pair of heads... Up to 15 days ago this didn't happen. Quick cleanings with the moving carriage cleaning the heads in the maintenance cartridge before jobs were done, but in 30 seconds or so. These more thorough and time-consuming cleanings were only done if the head caught in the media or occasionally. It is worth mentioning that this procedure will consume more ink, reduce the useful life of the heads and the maintenance cartridge (yesterday, I just changed one with 6 months of use and my average is 10). That's because I only have 1 month with this NEW procedure... Imagine if it stays like this... I'll change it after 3 or 4 months... In short. After a technical visit without any problems identified, I can only go back to the previous firmware version. Nexus 6. I ask you please to provide a download link as soon as possible, thus avoiding the problems generated. Ok about join jobs, but is not the root of problem. And every print head is ok with no broblem of missing nozzles. Thanks! Sergio

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#3 And one more important information... Look attachments. I update to NEXUS 7 myself on january 2022 like you can see in fig1 (histórico de atualização de firmware) and put my update to manual. But if you see fig2 (Atualização de firmware) we have on instalation on april 2023. Idid not update.... Thats exately the moment of the change on procedure... I think on complement was made to the pack NEXUS 07 and update automaticaly?? Please give access to NEXUS 6. I must test this downgrade All the best Sergio

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#5 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @Comercial.canalalpha13640, The printer always performs a PH cleaning servicing at the begin of the job. During this process, the printer checks if all the PHs are OK to print with the Drop Detector. As said, the PHs are in good condition (make sure by printing the nozzle check plot). Servicing cannot last as long as you say. Printing starts after the check and when the curing temperature target is reached. If the PHs are OK, the problem points to the Drop Detector. You should contact Service Support to reset values or check that it is in good condition and that is what is causing so much delay in the printHead cleaning. It's not possible to reset these values at the user level. I hope it helps.

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Hi Daniela, Thanks so much for help. Thank you Daniela. In fact, I had already checked the nozzles and did it again. Everything is ok and the heads have low use, but the optimizer head has been used for a long time and already has 6670ml used. I'm replaceing it today and I'll see the result. All the best

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#6 Head replaced e situations keeps the same.

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