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61:09 Error and Internet Connectivity

#1 info8254 4 years ago

14 Dec 2020 365 printer Firmware is up to date Sending small print job and receive 61:09 Error Unexpected end of job. Cancelling current job. When I run the diagnostics, steps 1 to 12 are good, however step 13, Internet connectivity settings are not good. The machine is hardwired to the internet and the internet signal is strong. Any suggestions what to fix? Need to complete and ship print job today. Thanks.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @info8254, Try restarting the printer and submitting the job. Check that the PC internet signal is stable and check the same for the RIP connection with the printer. If the printer has a valid IP, it should work. The issue might be related to the connection between the PC, RIP and the printer. There were some issues recently, which should now be fixed. If you are still having the same error, I suggest contacting your support representative.

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#3 anthonykell8.08759 3 years ago

I'm in the same situation. Still getting same error message.

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#4 hoangthang 3 years ago

Hello guys, In my experience, this error mostly appear with LAN network printing system. So you can retry with 1 ethernet cable to connect printer directly to the PC. So that internet is not important anymore and we can easily find which is causing this problem. If after connect printer and the PC already but still have this problem, probably issue come from HDD on printer or the RIP software from PC. Hope that can help.

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