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Color Calibration not recognized in Onyx R2000

#1 Cryptogamic 4 years ago

Hello, I am new to Onxy and relatively new to the R2000, so please be gentle if this is a dumb question. I have performed (successfully) the color calibration on the poster material we use (sihl paper) and it shows as complete on the R2000, BUT when i go to rip files in Onyx it is giving a warning about how the profile has to ICC attached to it. I've re-synched the profile library, etc., and it still says that there is no ICC attached. Is there a solution for this? This is causing our black and white prints to appear really greenish, but when I print using a profile that has an ICC there are no color issues.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

#1 Hi @Cryptogamic, This is a possible workaround that will fix the issue: Import the ICC from another PM inside the same substrate throw Onyx Media Library tool. You can find attached a step by step guide. I will keep investigation and keep you posted with updated.

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#3 Cryptogamic 4 years ago

#2 Hi Daniela, thank you for the reply. I basically came up with the same solution to what you sent, so I guess I was on the right track. Thanks for attaching the visual guide. I was only able to attach a 6pass ICC/color profile to the 10pass profile I have been using. It seems to work ok, I just wish there was a 10pass icc/color profile I could use instead of 6pass - unless the pass makes no difference?

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @Cryptogamic, when cloning the ICC, the most important is the ink density. You need to export the ICC of the number of passes with the closest density of the ink. Can you try that or let me know the ink density you are using?

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