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Error with Firmware Update

#1 cousinross a year ago

On my Latex 365 I am receiving this message: "There has been an error communicating with the firmware update server. Run the Diagnostics & Troubleshooting tests in order to determine the source of the problem." I receive the same message on the embedded web server. I run the connectivity wizard and receive more error messages. I have attached pics of them. Can somebody help me solve this issue? Thank you.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @cousinross, The FW update is failing because the printer is not connected to the internet. Make sure the printer is properly connected to the internet, via the Ethernet cable. The FW can be updated using the USB as follows: download the latest FW from the following link: extract the file on a previously formatted USB FAT 32 turn off the printer and plug the USB key into the back of the printer. turn the printer on, and the FW update should start automatically. For further troubleshooting, contact your support representative.

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#3 AlexGan a year ago

Always exercise caution when making changes to network or printer settings, and if you're unsure, consult the printer's documentation or contact HP Support for assistance.

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#4 wilkinsonwilfrid0119528 12 months ago

You can execute the firmware update without turning off the device if it says "Firmware update error" on the panel. Maintenance staff are obligated to resolve the issue if the firmware upgrade fails once more. geometry dash

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