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Greys print pinkish on a Latex 360

#1 GraphicsEtc 4 years ago

All my inks and printheads are working fine, but every time I try to print grey it always has a pinkish hue to it. Even when I send a file that consists on nothing but a shade of black, it still prints pinkish. I had a tech tell me once that that was a problem with Latex printers and he said there was some adjustment that could be made but I can't find my notes on it and really need to get a job printed ASAP. I am using Flexi Production Manager as my rip. Can anyone suggest something

#2 HP-ColorGuy 4 years ago

First, make sure that no inks are expired - this can be checked at the printer front panel. Significantly expired inks can lose density and cause neutral colors to print with a cast. Next, run a CLC color calibration on the media that is being used with the media preset/ print mode that is being used for production. In the event the CLC doesn't resolve the issue, the next step would be to create a new print mode. Creating a new Tiling Mode preset will prompt you to base the new preset on the existing one, with the same mechanical parameters, so all that needs to be done is a new reference Color Calibration and new ICC.

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#3 faridsk 4 years ago

I have had the same problem for a long time with my Latex 310. Fortunately I was printing a grayscale poster and I just changed the option in the RIP to say 'No color correction' and it worked fine. But that being said I have tried color pictures that have grey too and using the option of No color correction totally messes up the other colors. Let me know if the above solution has worked for you.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @GraphicsEtc, To make sure that the PHs are working properly, I also suggest the following: Perform the nozzle health, check all ph, main ph magenta, and black If it is necessary, replace the ph Perform the ph alignment Perform the CLC.

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#5 rbiwindowtint661 4 years ago

#4 where do you go to preform nozzle health check?

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#6 darrellcarpenay8832 a year ago

#1 I found that apparently if you're using anything other than the printer's substrate confiburation percentages for the colour / passes it will give you this issue to a significant degree. You can adjust the temperature but do not adjust the percentage saturation.

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