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Horizontal banding issue - White line in all colors

#1 visionmezcal7168 5 years ago

Hi, I've been having some banding issue with my wide format latex 330. I've change all (literally all) printheads, updated the firmware, updated the HP Flexi RIP to the lattest version, I did an automatic and a manual printhead alignment, I did the sustrate advance calibration (manually, cause the L330 doesn't has OMAS)... but nothing change. All colors have an strange white banding, and its the same for all colors. I need help please, I don't know what more I can do.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 5 years ago

#1 Hi @visionmezcal7168, We suggest performing a Nozzle Check in order to determine Print-Head status. If all Printheads are in good conditions and you still have this issue please contact HP Support.

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