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HP 54 Cutter issue

#1 BOOP656 3 years ago

MY cutter has "TURN OFF! ROLLERS NOT FOUND" I've tried everything 10x Make sure all rollers are on the mark cleaned roller sensor clean substrate sensor turned the machine on and off. Reset machine Upgrade to the latest firmware Cant anyone help?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @jralexmaloney5015, If everything mentioned has already been checked, I would just recommend verifying again the position of the Pinch Rollers. The pinch rollers must be positioned correctly and lowered onto the substrate before an automatic load sequence is initiated. Make sure all the pinch rollers are positioned above a drive sleeve. The outer left pinch roller should be positioned in one of the detents (click positions), situated under a white triangular label. The outer right pinch roller should be positioned somewhere over the long drive sleeve. Click positions are located at the edges of the sleeve (area marked with a white triangular label). If this is checked and it still doesn't work, I recommend contacting your support representative.

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#3 Millerbarbar.a9308592 3 years ago

Very informative and useful article for beginners!

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#4 jean.mitchell1918715 3 years ago

I have HP latex 335 print and cut

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