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HP Latex 365 Multi-color Streaks

#1 benjaminwinter12201 2 years ago

Have been having getting random multi-color lines in our print. Almost looking like the lines when you do a printhead alignment. At first they were smaller, now they are almost the length of the vinyl. We are using a Latex 365, vinyl media. Any idea on what could be causing the issue. Thanks in advance. (Pic attached)

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @benjaminwinter12201, Judging from the picture, it looks like the issue is related to some HW parts. Could also be related to a specific electronic part. We expect that this issue appears randomly also. I suggest contacting your service/support representative and reporting the issue. The Service team will provide the necessary support to solve it.

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#3 benjaminwinter12201 2 years ago

Sounds good. Thanks for the response.

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#4 lionpurnell12239 2 years ago

@guides Looks like a color that would use a lot on light magenta and probably light cyan as well. Could be ink starvation

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#5 benjaminwinter12201 2 years ago

Thanks. I was told by HP it was a trailing cable. Hopefully it will fix the problem. Thanks everyone for your help.

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#6 2 years ago

Thanks! Adjusting screen brightness and color is important for your eyes when using a computer. The black screen makes your eyes more relaxed.

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