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HP Latex 700w not printing correct colors when spot layer is applied

#1 mmcdaniel12650 2 years ago

When printing on Arlon DPF 8000 clear vinyl For this application a spot layer is needed under the color layer, but when spot layer is applied, the colors come out untrue to the original colors in the file. Tried printing without the spot layer and colors come out true, but cannot be semi-transparent for this application. All printer maintenance has been completed and ink levels are above 25%. Is this an issue with the printer or could this be an issue with the way the RIP software is breaking down the file?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @mmcdaniel12650, With the data you provided, we understand that the color difference is related to the white ink workflow/spot layer mode. These are our recommendations: Ensure that the PH's are in good conditions before printing and printer it's fully aligned. If not, perform an Automatic PH Alignment including the White + Extra fluids (OP & OC). Load the media and ensure that the MediaPreset it's fully correctly selected in Front Panel. Perform the Media Color Calibration CLC using the FrontPanel in Substrate. IMPORTANT: Due to it being a clear film, this option will be disabled because it's a not supported media to perform this calibration. It's mandatory to load a white SAV media to perform this calibration. Make sure that the RIP (Onyx as default) it's taking the info from the printer and retrieving the media preset. (Menú - Configure Printer - Media - Import - from the printer). Set the PrintMode in Printer and Media menú according to the workflow that you need. Select the correct Spot Layer Tool using Job Editor (Color Correction - Tools) - see attached picture. Select the spot layer mode (Flood fill etc) according to the required final job. If in doubt, refer to the attached document. If with these recommendations you are still facing the issue, I suggest contacting your support representative for further investigation.

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#3 marthalin032512846 a year ago

Please see attached an image of the corrugated carton with white coated suitable for R-series, on the media locator you can find the manufacturer and also the oms to print them.

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#4 veronicacrandall23615753 a year ago

Ensure that your printer settings are properly configured for printing on Arlon DPF 8000 clear vinyl. Check that the print settings, such as color profiles, ink density, and color management, are optimized for this specific substrate. Consult the printer's user manual or contact the printer manufacturer for guidance on the recommended settings.

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#5 shirleymarable9715920 a year ago

When all printer maintenance has been completed and ink levels are above 25%, it is less likely that the issue is directly related to the printer itself. In such cases, it is more probable that the issue lies with the way the RIP (Raster Image Processor) software is processing the file.

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#6 gui12774 a year ago

Curious to fin out whether you found a solution for this. I'm having same issues with white layer completely interfering on original colours. Thanks, Gui

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#7 melissawimmer21918011 a year ago

Thanks for the answers geometry dash online

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