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HP Wallart Registration - Printer Serial in use

#1 Creighton 6 years ago

I'll post a second question about where to access HP technical support online, but hoping the Forum can help here. I'm trying to setup HP's online wallart. I only have one HP account, have owned printer for 5 months, only owner of P&C 115. When I enter the serial number, wallart says it is already registered. I recently did warranty registration for a support ticket and head replacement, and wonder if something got crosslinked, but it is still under this same account/email address. How do I get this released? I can't submit a help ticket under HP Wallart as that form is broken, as well as the site's link to the Wallart forums. Thanks for any recommendations!

#2 Creighton 6 years ago

Just posting again to see if I can get a bump - given that most of the links on Application Center for tech support seem not to work, hoping someone can help here. Looking for an escalation path into this product group. Thanks!

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#3 grzegorz7853 4 years ago

#3 said ting again to see if I can get a bu Hello, looks like I have the same problem like described by Creighton... Additionaly the contact form submit button does not result with any action in spite of listing in my cases . Can I count on some kind of help?

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @grzegorz7853, Can you please drop an email at with the following details: Name of the account against which you need it registered and the serial number.

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