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HP365 only accesses 20 online profiles

#1 newparade 3 years ago

Previously, when I attempted to browse the online profiles via the screen on my 365, it would load several hundred profile names, of different manufacturers, that I could then search through and sort by sub-menu. Right now, it loads 20, and only 20, HP profiles. So for instance, say I want Phototex OPA's not even a possibility. Now, I can still get the full list through my RIP production manager (I'm using SAI), but even this is problematic as I'm getting an error message when I attempt to download. I have downloaded the Phototex profile from the HP Media locator, and when I try to install that way, I get a message on the printer that the profile is bad. I'm a new user so I don't have much troubleshooting experience of my own. I'm wondering if I've developed this issue since my last automatic firmware update, but I'm not sure. Any advice or recommendations? Thanks PS. Of the 20 profiles that will list, I have successfully downloaded and installed a couple at random, so it seems my general connection is good in that respect.

#2 vdubina1459663 3 years ago

I'm a new user so I don't have much troubleshooting experience of my own. I'm wondering if I've developed this issue since my last automatic firmware update, but I'm not sure.

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