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Issues with WordPress Plugin

#1 Matt_DO 7 years ago

Hey guys

We've just installed the WordPress plugin and while it seems to be working there looks like there's heaps of bugs. Is there a place we can log bugs for the devs? Some things we're having trouble with are:

Spelling mistakes.

There's heaps of them, mostly when things are in Spanish and not English

Incorrect price formatting.

When you change the price format in WooCommerce, it seems to update only the last part, the currency code. However it doesn't actually format the price properly at all as it leaves off the actual currency symbol ( $ in our case ). WC has a lot of native functions for this so it'd be great to get this implemented properly. wc_price(), get_price_html() are just a couple.

Incorrect labels being shown

When the user is presented with the options ( which are set as variations within WooCommerce ) it seems to be taking the 'attribute_pa_media_substrate' which just looks like a slug instead of the actual variation label. Not really ideal for users:

in WC:

on Frontend:

Is there anywhere we can set this?

The most frustrating part about it all is that there are next to no hooks and filters so trying to customise anything means we have to use our own templates which would be fine except for the fact that most of the logic is coupled into the core templates and makes things very unstable.

I really appreciate HP providing a plugin but it's just frustrating when it doesn't completely work.

Happy to provide any more info if you need.


#2 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @Matt_DO

In order to have a better understanding of the following points you mentioned in relation to WallArt’s Plugin I would like to gather some information:

Spelling mistakes:

  • With the information provided we couldn’t reproduce the issue described by using our latest version of WallArt’s Plugin. We would like to know which one are the steps you’ve followed to encounter this issue as well as the latest version of your Plugin installation. This will allow me to identify better the issue described in order to report it to our development team.

Incorrect price formatting.

Incorrect labels being shown.

  • I’ll forward your requests in order to be considered for future versions of our Plugin. I look forward to improve our Plugin in order to fit our customer requests.

I apologize for any inconveinece this might cause to you.

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#3 Matt_DO 7 years ago

Hey Sonia

Thanks for the reply.

We are using the current version, v5.3.1

The spelling mistake is in file includes/ line 423

It would be great if all the rendered html could be separated into templatable files, very similar to who WooCoomerce works, where you can override a template within a theme. In the current plugin the logic and the template are tightly coupled and you can't override just one part of it.

Also if there were useful hooks and filters that would make life a lot easier too. E.g. before outputting a price, maybe it could be properly formatted using WooCommerce's provided functions and then passed through a filter with all the required data so that we could modify it if we need to without breaking any future updates.


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#4 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @Matt_DO

Thank you for your comments. I will pass them to the appropriate team.

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#5 Matt_DO 7 years ago

Thanks Sonia

Do we have any update on this? All my prices especially are still showing incorrectly.


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#6 Matt_DO 7 years ago

Another issue is that the plugin is removing the price from other products on the site. See file hpwallart.php line 92 results in the following output:

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#7 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Dear @Matt_DO,

I have forwarded your previous requests to our development team in order to be considered for future versions of our plugin, as soon as we have any response/resolution about it we will let you know right away.

On the other hand I regret to inform you that right now the option to add more than one product to the cart is not available, if anyone would want to buy some products they should buy it one by one. The only one option that the cart allows is to change the quantity of the product that is in the cart.

I apologize for any inconvenience.

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#8 Matt_DO 7 years ago

Hi Sonia

Thanks for forwarding those issues on. The problem with the cart was not about having multiple items in the cart, these were actually items unrelated to the wallart system. The site I'm working on has the wallart system but also sells other products from WooCommerce. It's these products that were having their prices overwritten by the Wallart plugin. I wouldn't expect the Wallart plugin to make my site incompatible with any other WooCommerce functionality, is this the case? Am I unable to run an online store alongside the Wallart plugin?


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#9 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @Matt_DO

In order to help you with your current issue my best recommendation would be to contact directly to our HP Application Center support team through the following email address since more information will be needed for them, and they will be glad to help you to resolve your issue.

I am sorry I cannot help this time.

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#10 Matt_DO 7 years ago

Ok, thanks Sonia, I'll give them a try.


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