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Loading corrupted Generic Profiles?

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 TG-FrankW 9 years ago

When synchronizing FlexiPRINT with a Latex 360, I get the message that some generic files (especially Generic PP/PE Media) have no ICC-Profiles embedded, and I should create some. Because we are dealers and installing some of the 360, and this has happened at one customer site only until now, I think these media profiles are corrupt.

But I can't download generic profiles anywhere, and I can't add a profil because they can't be edited.

How could I repair that issue?

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#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi TG-FrankW,

Editing the generic profiles as they are is not possible. If you want to do that you have to clone them first in order to edit the copy.

If this doesn't solve your problem, you can check if the profiles exist or are corrupt going to the icc profile folder of the SAi RIP:

C:\Program Files (x86)/SAi/Flexi HP Edition/ICCProfile/HP Latex 360/

SAi automatically renames the downloaded profiles like this:

medianame_nº of passes_inks_ink density.icc

For example, for a generic coated paper, 8 passes, CMYKcm and 90 max. Ink limit would be:

Generic Coated Paper_8p_CMYKcm_90.icc

Hope this information helps.

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#3 TG-FrankW 9 years ago

I don't want to edit a copy, because that will not solve my problem. Currently, when the SAi-RIP synchronizes the profiles, I get an error message for every print mode of one generic profile that no ICC is embedded, so I think the files in the printer are corrupt.

Is there any possibility to re-upload a generic profile? And if so, where can I find them?

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#4 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi again,

I’ve asked to the lab, and they told me that the best option in this case is to reinstall the firmware of the printer in order to restore the icc profiles. If this doesn’t work, they asked me to tell you to reinstall also the driver of the RIP because a wrong installation of the driver also can cause this problem.

Please let me know if it works.

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#5 TG-FrankW 9 years ago

Hi Marc

Inbetween I have checked out that this must be a general problem. That happens with our new demo unit too, and with a 330 I have installed today. Need to check that with SAi.

Thank you very much.

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#6 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Thank you for the input.

I've already report this problem to the lab. I will keep you updated.

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#7 TG-FrankW 9 years ago

I will keep you updated, for example now , because I have done some additional testing:

It is a problem with synchronizing media with names containing a slash (/). The german name of "Generic Backlit PP & PE Synthetics" is "Generisches PP-/PE-Synthetikpapier rücks. bel.", what causes that error. The profile won't be synchronized.

If switching the printer to english and according to that the media name to "Generic Backlit PP & PE Synthetics" (without slash), the problem won't appear. If cloning a media which synchs without a problem and name the new media for example "test/test", this cloned profile will lead to the same error messages too.

No idea if other special characters lead to the same problems, german "Umlaute" (äöü) will lead to no problems. Should be fixed as long as a "slash" is allowed to be used in media names.

I've sent a bug report to SAi.

No idea - and no time - to test that issue with other RIP-Softwares on stock in our showroom (Onyx, Ergosoft, Caldera).

Error message attached

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#8 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Thank you for the information. I will let the lab know in order to fix it.

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#9 TG-FrankW 9 years ago

I have got a new beta build from SAi (2174) for testing, the problem seems to be solved.

Strange: it looks like that the problem with the generic profile only appears with new machines, not older machines (for example a unit delivered on June 2014 doesn't have that issue). But if creating an own profile with slash in the name, both old and new devices produces that error message.

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#10 TG-FrankW 9 years ago

There is a patch available too for Build 2145.

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