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Printing on Traffic Signs

#1 percy.kuka6203 2 years ago

Hi, can I get suggestions on media profile and heat management for printing on Avery HIP traffic sign media? Regards, Percy

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @percy.kuka6203, A very useful tool is the HP PrintOs Media Locator, recommended to download media presets for each printer model. Most of the media presets are certified by the HP Media Certification Program to be fully compatible with HP printers and inks, and also, other profiled media that have also great performance. From Print OS Media Locator you can select the printer family to start downloading the MP that you need. My suggestions are the following: Use the PrintOs Media Locator to find the most accurate Media Preset Settings for the media that you want, in this case, for Avery. If you don't find the Media Preset from the media you want to use, start making a cloned media preset from the front panel of the generics media available per each application. In this case, for traffic signage/reflective applications. Using the front panel, enter the advanced settings menu to check the settings, modify them, and print with the best-printed results.

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