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Re: HP WallArt

#61 HP-Jose 8 years ago

this has been fixed now Phil

Sorry for the delay

your jobs will complete now, and you can take a look in the error queue in case you need to reprocess them.

best regards

#62 FranciscoRojas 8 years ago

Why we cant see the previews on wallart?

Picture without preview:

Picture of the previews, before the processing problem from last night:


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#63 HP-Jose 8 years ago

this is due to the fact that the pdf generation engine was stopped yesterday for a short period.


you can update the thumbnail from the action menu as shown in this picture

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#64 Jen53 8 years ago


I am using HP WallArt to create custom wallpaper print files, and it's great.

We are finding that even if the image size perfectly matches the wall dimensions, a considerable amount is cropped from the sides only.

I tried adding the extra 2 inches/5.08cm extra padding, under wallpaper options, but I still find it is cropping more from the sides while the top fits perfectly.

I would love to know why. We have a work around but I would rather not have to use it.

Also, I have found a business that helps customers to install the HP Wall Art into their site. I have found some problems using the plugin on a multi users site on Wordpress, but are there still challenges in integrating the software onto sites or domains?

Thanks, Jen

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#65 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Jen53,

When you use an image as a background, it is scaled to fit the whole wall without altering its proportions.

WallArt also automatically applies a buffer on the sides of the backgrounds, in other words, it clips the borders.

This buffer area has been designed to prevent alignment and trimming problems during the installation on the wall surface. In other words, it is not possible to use the full extent of a background image, as some parts of it will be included in this buffer area.

To avoid this behavior, you can easily create a wall of the same size as the background image and upload the actual image as an object instead. Afterwards place the object on the wall and use the “Scale To Fill” feature, which will expand the object to fill the entire wall, preventing the clipping issue you reported.

Right know as far as we know, we don’t have any problems using the plugin with multi users site. However we can assure to users that often we incorporate into our Word Press Plugin modifications to release updates and fits everyone’s needs, getting better on all updates.

The integration of HP WallArt Solution into a web site, shouldn’t be a difficult task since we have several methods to accomplish that. Usually the difficulty just depends about which method you’ll use plus the complexity that you require. For example to do a Full integration with HP WallArt Solution into your web site, it requires some development skills and JSON knowledge. However, we also have easier methods that does not requires that kind of service.

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#66 Walldesign56 8 years ago

Hi Marc,

We have recently started with HP Wallart and we are also looking for promotion material, such as banners , images and videos to promote HP Wallart in our ecommerce platform. Do you know if these promotional materials are already available and if yes where we can find them?

Thanks for your support,

Best Regards,


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#67 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Walldesign56,

The communication assets available in HP WallArt are provided “as is”. This means you can use them for your communications featuring WallArt or its associated applications.

These can be found at\_assets or by clicking at Communication assets on your right top menu of your HP WallArt Dashboard (image below).

The images have been licensed to HP for distribution and use in communications made by partners, therefore they can’t be edited without the approval of the original authors of the images (which are not HP).

Regarding about the videos, you are not allowed to edit or modify them either. Videos are owned by HP and it needs to be clear who is the original author of these videos.

That being said, you are allowed to use the videos available in the official HP WallArt YouTube channel:\_XvK3Y3rn3sCSlKSNOqiiRVZP

As long as the videos are not uploaded elsewhere or edited in any way (such as removing parts or altering logos), you can link them from the HP GA Channel and embed them on your website, YouTube playlists or feature them on your website.

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#68 Cameron 8 years ago


We are attempting to setup the HP WallArt API through the WordPress plugin that is provided as we want to integrate WooCommerce.

We want to skip all of the dimensions, background choices, etc. from the beginning WordPress-side Designer page and just provide a direct link to the HP WallArt app, which then shoots the customer to our shopping cart.

Is it possible to just have a URL that sends the user to HP WallArt, the same as when the Exernal Link option is used? But also keep the API functionality via the WordPress plugin?


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#69 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Cameron!

Unfortunately the WP Plugin workflow is designed as is to prepare all the information before the user enters into the Designer, all this through a more useful Web interface. However, if you have the knowledge or want to hire a JSON and a Web-developer services to design your own workflow by using our API, you are free to modify to fit your needs. We have the API documentation here.

On the other hand you also have the external_link option that drives the end-user directly to your Designer. You can find more information inside this link.

I hope this answer helps!

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#70 Cameron 8 years ago

Is it possible to integrate the external_link option with WooCommerce or another eCommerce platform?

See for example:

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#71 Walldesign56 8 years ago

Hi Marc , we have realized to modify the wordpress plug-in with rescripting and doing Some reverse engineering. It is not an easy job But as you mentioned it is possible with the right knowledge of programming. We are still working on Some fine tuning But the basic functionality And the woocommerce Connection is working now. You can see the result at if you want to know more you can send me an email at . Have a good weekend !

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#72 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Walldesign56,

I am glad you make it work. I visit you page and it is looking very good. I wish you all the success in the WallArt business.

Best Regards,


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#73 Cameron 8 years ago


We are having some issues implementing the WordPress plugin.

Once users are sent from our website to the HP WallArt application, they can create their wall art. However when they click the shopping cart to check-out, it causes the browser to hang.

We think the issue may be with the oAuth URLs as the documentation is not really clear on how to configure these and we are seeing red X next to these in the WallArt Data section of the plugin.


Base URL identifier: PEP



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#74 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Cameron,

There is an alternative method that might help you with this red X on your WP Plugin Setup called Access token based authorization. However if still with this you are not satisfied with this, you can contact our Support Team they will gladly help you with any issue or question that you might have.

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#75 FranciscoRojas 8 years ago

Is anybody having problems (right now) on processing jobs on wallart?

I have a Job that has been processing for a couple of hours now, and I really need to print this ASAP.

Any idea?

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#76 FranciscoRojas 8 years ago


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#77 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi FranciscoRojas!

We’ve experienced some internal problems that are related to this behavior. However, this should be already fixed.

If you are still having troubles, please contact

We apologize for the inconveniences.

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#78 Walldesign56 8 years ago

Dear Forum,

We are starting up with the production of wallpaper printing and we are struggling trying to find the right settings for Wallpaper panels in the wallart solution. Could you perhaps give us some recommendations on the settings for wallcover printing such as; Any experienced user input would be very much appreciated.

Bleed; what would be a recommended bleed ?

Rotate the alternate tiles; why would you do it? whats the advantage of this?

Tile position - why would you put the first panel in the middle , left or right?

Installation type - Which installation type (edge to edge, japanese overlap or overlap) would be recommended for DIY installations? and why?

Extra Padding ; What would be the purpose of the extra padding?

Thanks a lot for your support,

Kind Regards,



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#79 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Walldesign56,

Maybe somebody else will share some tips with you, but meanwhile let me try to solve your questions:

Bleed:You can find all the information about how to use the production settings for your HP WallArt Solution. One of the points explained is the bleed. Production Settings Tutorial.

Rotate the alternate tiles: The “Rotate alternate tiles” basically rotates alternate pages in the PDF under the assumption of one tile per page. Since the former feature may contain several tiles on the same page, it is then impossible to rotate alternate tiles that are adjacent to each other.

Tile position: This setting is related to the "Overlap" feature. It indicates which panel needs to be positioned first, the central one, or one in the edge. Once the first panel has been placed the following panels are installed on top of the previous one. Panels that are intended to be covered on the edge by another one, include alignment marks to help position the new panel on top (covering this alignment marks). If the positioning of the panels is reversed, then these alignment marks will be visible on the finalized installation.

Extra Padding: The intention of extra padding is to avoid image lost when: the media used might suffer size modifications or if the surface has some irregularities.

Installation type: This depends on preferences. In my opinion, installing a wallpaper which has some overlapping, the alignment of the panels is much easier, specially if you are new at this. Nonetheless, the fact that you have to remove the overlapped media, takes more time and sometimes may produce some bundle if the media excess is not removed properly.

Hope this helps.

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#80 Walldesign56 8 years ago

Hello Marc,

I have a question. We have just printed a wallpaper job of nearly 18 m2. in 12 panels of 55 cm approx.

Panel 1 is in the center. After cutting the panels we noticed a production error on one of the panels. The carriage slightly touched the print when it was wet and now we have to reprint it.

How can I reprint 1 single panel of 1 printing job ? I noticed when I start printing it startes with panel 12 0f 12 so unfortunately panel doesnt come out first cause it is centered.

Is there a way to reprint 1 particular panel from a complete printing job?

We use HP Latex310 and HP SAI Flex Premium.

Kindly look forward to your answer, Thanks,


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