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Vertical banding in green / graininess ? what am I missing?

#1 4 years ago

Hey everyone, I am having issues with the quality of the prints. See the images attached. I've done print head cleaning, alignment, etc. and the samples come out great but the prints themselves, not so much. I print on IJ180 with Flexi and I've had plenty of success with previous wraps, blue, etc. on iJ180, this vertical banding is new. Print heads seem ok though so I am confused. Perhaps I am missing something. Thanks.

#2 4 years ago

The entire profile was completely off. colors and everything. I switched to another profile and it worked like a charm.

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#3 AEG2021 4 years ago

#2 Anytime we've had this happen to us it turned out to be a corrupt profile. What usually works for us is to completely delete the profile from the printer and rip and reinstall. Hope that helps.

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