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Wallart > Fotolia integration break?

#1 djhr 5 years ago

Hello, I've been using the Wallart app since 2014, along with Fotolia's integration. A some time ago I noticed that there is no link between Fotolia and my HP WallArt account. I did not find any information on this subject. I know that Fotolia will be closed this year, but I was hoping for a migration to Adobe Stock and continued WallArt integration. Unfortunately the disappearance Fotolia's service surprised me and my clients Any news in this case?

#2 martin111 5 years ago


No answer ?

It's nice silence

Whether HP WALL ART has lost connection to FOTOLIA, so I offer the HP latex 375 printer for sale. Regards

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#3 martin111 5 years ago

And have you tried to contract with another photo bank? E.g. Shutterstock ?? If you manage to conclude a contract with Shutterstock, I will keep the printer and buy another one

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#4 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

HPAC no longer supports Fotolia. Please note that Fotolia is now Adobe Stock, and integration of this requires new contracts with Adobe Stock, the process of which is still in progress.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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