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Cut vinyl from other printers.

#1 Mike zim 4 years ago

I am installing an HP 335 Print and cut machine. I also have a Mimaki printer. Can I cut the vinyl from the Mimaki printer with the HP cutter?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @Mike zim, You can use another cutter machine, but you should be using another RIP. On the other hand, you will not receive support for another company's printer. I hope this answers the question.

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#3 HP-ColorGuy 4 years ago

It is also possible to upgrade the HP Flexi software software that shipped with the HP Print & Cut Bundle Solutions to be able to drive other brands of printers and cutters. Check with your reseller partner for the upgrade price in your geography.

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#4 Mike zim 4 years ago

#2 Thanks for your reply.

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