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HP 315 Connectivity issues

#1 geneva8905 3 years ago

In December of 2020, I began having connectivity issues with my HP315. It would throw the code 61:09 and stop printing in the middle of a big print run. I thought it was my internet service provider so I contacted them and they said that there was an outage. The tech gave me an odd workaround but it worked. We plugged an ethernet cable into the printer and the back of the rip station. I was able to send print jobs via ethernet. If I needed to download substrates into the library, I did it via internet. We placed a dummy IP address code..169....into the LAN connection on the printer so that the computer and printer could "talk" to each other. Thursday, we had "internet issues" again but of course wasn't affecting the printer because I was hardwired in. The first thing the technician did was to unhook the printer and re connect via static IP address. This took me all the way back to square one and began with the 61:09 code on large print jobs. I NEED HELP and a SOLUTION to fix my connectivity issues.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @geneva8905, Here are my suggestions to fix the connectivity issues: • Install the current FW. • If the printer is connected to your computer through any other intermediate devices, such as switch boxes, buffer boxes, cable adapters, or cable converters, remove the intermediate device and try connecting the printer directly to your computer. • Try another interface cable. • Try changing the I/O timeout, which specifies the time that an idle connection is allowed to remain open when the printer is waiting for a remote computer. The default value is 30 seconds. If set to zero, the timeout is disabled and the connection is allowed to remain open indefinitely. To change the I/O timeout, go to the front panel and select the icon, then Connectivity > Advanced > Select I/O timeout. • Check and Proceed with the diagnostics steps connectivity settings from the printer are good steps 1 to 13 on the Fp printer. Apart from that follow the next recommendations and checks from EWS: • Ensure you are using an IP static, instead of configured by DHCP, otherwise, every time you power on the printer (or wake up from sleep) the server can assign a different IP address. FOLDER ( TCP/IP). • Check also set up properly the proxy server and make sure you are using port:8080 instead of:80. please check with IT that this Server proxy is working properly. • And finally please check the DNS configuration if it is working properly. If after these recommendations the issue is not fixed please contact with your service representative support.

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