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Lamination Pealing off Ink on Rigid Substrate

#1 jeffery8678 3 years ago

we try to laminate our Alupanel and other rigid substrate (special request from clients) but it seems this pulls the ink off the media. We have figured out we need to wait 24hours after its printed but it seems as if we have got the same issue again. Is there a fail proof recipe in the HP cookbook that will allow us to laminate without peeling of the ink?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @jeffery8678, Whilst I am not sure which brand you are using to laminate the panels, I can advise that there are two varnishes tested on Aluminum Composite Panels: Marabu Clear Jet A2000 and A&I coatings Writeboard paint. Each one needs a different procedure. I suggest contacting your service representative for instructions on each of them.

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#3 jeffery8678 3 years ago

#2 said Marabu Clear Jet A2000 thank you for this. however i am speaking of 3M Overlaminate films

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