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Latex 115 Printer - Best PVC Banner Material -

#1 nancy.galaxie73 4 years ago

Please can somebody recommend the best PVC Pull-up Banner Material to use with a Latex printer and the printer profile. ? The PVC banner material we used crinkled from the heat. I would really appreciate some help. Thanks, Nancy

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @nancy.galaxie73, I would recommend exploring the media locator by following this link I can't recommend a specific media without knowing which is your application. I hope it helps.

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#3 nancy.galaxie73 4 years ago

Thank you for coming back to me. #2

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#4 kenmwegainc9250 3 years ago

Can I use latex hp 335 to print on PVC banner material? If so, how?

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#5 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @kenmwegainc9250, Yes, the PVC banner is on the supported substrates list. Here are some recommendations for using it:  Some substrates may become sticky when heated by the curing system; especially banners and double-sided banners under high temperatures. To avoid the problem, HP recommends reducing the curing temperature as much as possible and reducing the front tension (avoid using the take-up reel if possible).  When printing on textiles, PVC banners, or any other substrate types that it cannot cut, the RIP disables the cutter.  Increase the vacuum level in steps of 5 mmH2O. Do not exceed the following limits: 20 mmH2O for banners, 45 mmH2O for vinyl, and 50 mmH2O for other substrate families.  Alternatively, especially with vinyl and banners, some individual rolls may have a defective coating; for instance, the coating may have aged. This can cause uneven area fills in light areas. In this case, try a new roll.  Consider un-laminated use with scratch resistance comparable to hard solvent inks on SAV and PVC banners.

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