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Latex 800w printing spandex 2558

#1 matejamarta11231 a year ago

Hello everyone, I have a question about printing Spandex 2556(miss click in title). The print loks fine, but guys that were wraping the car with spandex sad that glue isn't strong as it should be. Could it be because of curing temperature? We were printing on mod made for spandex 2556. Have a nice day everyone!

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @matejamarta11231, Spandex ImagePerfect 2556 is not a certified media for the L700/800 series but this is no reason for the media to lose adhesion. I don't know the specifications of this media but printing at similar temperatures of other SAVs should not have adhesion problems (90º-95º C in 8p for example). Try manipulating a piece of unprinted media and comparing it with a printed one to see if they behave in the same way. In case the result is the same, it points to the media.

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