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#1 SignGirl2020 4 years ago

Working with an HP 570 Latex and having issues with head strikes on Briteline Window Perf. settings:16p @ 80%, cure temp: 170, vacuum: 90, airflow pressure: 175, input tension:15. I have the take up reel engaged and material is forward rolling with graphics on outside. Any tips?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @SignGirl2020, My suggestion is to clone a new media through this one: Generic PP & PE Synthetics, and to use the settings from the generic, or make your printmode from this one. I hope this helps.

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#3 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

#1 for perf vinyl of any kind we are using 8 pass (10pass max) mode cloned from generic PVC self adhesive profile, 110ink density, 60 vacuum and 100oC (220oF). You may lower temp at first to avoid wrinkles and PH strikes and increase the temp if needed (for black and full color images)...

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